​ONE TIME RANT about President-Elect Trump, the election, and the Democratic process. Think you might not like it? Then get the hell off my page now! (Not up for debate or discussion, so read at your own risk and posts any rebuttals on your own page so I can ignore them at my leisure)

This will be my one time rant about this debacle of an election. I have never been ashamed of so many American people at the same time.  To say it a different way,  I have NEVER in my 36 years of life, I have never been more disgusted with the American people. 

We have allowed an arrogant sexist bigot to be elected into the highest office of the land and what used to be the most powerful position in the world and as a result: 

We have made the United States of America an international laughingstock. 

Shame on you America! And don’t worry there is plenty of shame for everyone. 

1. Shame on the Democratic National Caucus! Every officer in your organization should be fired on sight and new elections held. I find you to be the most culpable. If it weren’t for your blatant and wanton obstruction of the democratic process within OUR OWN PARTY, we would not be in mess. Bernie Sanders would have mopped the floor with Donald Trump but he never had a chance because as the emails and other proof shows,  you purposely sabotaged him at every turn. You saddled us with a candidate that I stated from the very beginning was too divisive and to polarizing to easily win against Trump. You chose to hitch your wagon to a candidate who was involved in an ongoing FBI scandal and had the weight of Benghazi dragging behind her, as opposed to the only candidate who even remotely offered a glimpse of the 2008 and 2012 hope and ideologies that drove many of us to the polls. You have no one to blame for this but yourselves. SHAME ON YOU!

2. Shame on the Republican Party! You created this monster of a candidate. You started with the two most unproductive and obstructive Congresses a sitting President has ever had to face in the ENTIRE history of the presidency and I can’t wait to see your names scorched in the history books. Then, every last one of you waited until the last possible minute to denounce Trump, and by then it was too late. It was never more clear to me that you all had sold your your backbones and morals than when, in interview after interview, NONE of you stood up right away and said “No Trump doesnt represent the ideals of the Republican party.” Only after it was clear that he might actually win the nomination,  did you start speaking out and half-heartedly at that. And it is absolutely laughable that you tried to course-correct and groom him AFTER he proved that your party’s approval and support was irrelevant. There’s a lesson in that for both you and the Democrats. SHAME ON YOU!

2. Shame on the “Christian evangelicals” (as the media called them) who voted for Trump. I kept my peace this entire election season hoping for the best on election day, but as the country is on its way to hell in a handbasket I might as well say my piece. How DARE you put on the whole armor of hypocrisy to defend this unrepentant self-admitted sexual-assaulter, bigot and sexist. The Bible says that if we say “Thou fool” to our neighbor we would be in danger of the hellfire yet you choose a man who calls women fat pigs and disgusting, had 5 children by 3 different women, and insulted a sitting federal judge on national TV simply because of his race, you choose THIS man to defend “traditional family values.” Oh,  and spare me any lectures on how God can use anyone, one because I already know them and two,  because those same principles could have been applied to Hillary. SHAME ON YOU!

3. Shame on you college “educated” folks who voted for Donald Trump. You hypocrisy is also quite glaring and hard to stomach. Many of you wouldn’t even hire a secretary without at least one year of experience into your organization, let alone one with no experience AND a horrible reputation and yet you just handed the keys to the kingdom and the damn nuclear codes to a guy with absolutely zero political experience, who can’t even keep a business out of bankruptcy, or understand the basic concept of diplomacy. I’m sorry, did you all trade in your common sense on that stage in exchange for your diploma? Also, worth an honorable mention, shame on you for setting a precedent for generations to follow that bigotry, sexism, and sexual assault are not a dealbreakers for you in a presidential candidate. That says a lot about you and the message is received loud  and clear. History and those who record it will not be kind to you, your ignorance will be described in the same manner as the citizens of 1930s Germany and you will deserve every single word. SHAME ON YOU!

4. Shame on my fellow working-class folks who voted for Donald Trump. I still find it hard to believe that so many of you fell for/claimed that “political outsider who will care about you” routine. The only thing Trump cares about is money and power. You given him all that the world has to offer and now we just have to sit back and watch how this plays out with the rest of the world, with our allied countries who have previously denounced him,  and with neighboring countries he has already alienated. See # 4 above for the honorable mention shame statement as it applies to you as well. SHAME ON YOU!

5. Shame on the alt-right, neo-Nazi, white nationalists who simply wanted a white man back in the White House. Sadly, believe it or not, I’m the least angry with you. First, out of all the morons mentioned above YOUR group was the only one who actually honest about your intentions. You finally had a candidate who truly embodied your principles, attitudes, and ideologies and you stood by him in your truth. There is actually nothing more American. Secondly, I’m not as angry because your numbers alone probably weren’t enough to elect a senator to a backwoods inbred district let alone the presidency of the United States. No, you definitely had to have the help of the aforementioned hypocrites above. But we live in 2016 and not 1816, and while you should know better, you are still teaching this filth to your kids so… SHAME ON YOU!

Now, you know who I’m not mad at? Who I’m actual down right proud of? Who I would kiss if I could? THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS! Whether you are happy with the results or not, the process worked as it should have. The American people, or at least the majority, chose the candidate that most closely aligned with their values. The people who showed up to vote were heard, and their selection was made. We went from a Harvard and Yale trained constitutional lawyer married for over 20 years with no hint of a scandal as President to a businessman with zero political experience, 2 failed marriages, and at least 4 business bankruptcies as the President-elect, yes ladies and gentlemen (sarcasm alert) anything is possible. Sarcasm aside, the system (as it is currently set up) works as advertised. So if you’re not happy with the results this time around we can try again in four years. I’m not ashamed of the process, I’m just ashamed about what the outcome says about our country as a whole. 

I know many people are waking up wondering how did this happen and how do we make it okay?  Give it a few days to let the initial shock and anger subside. At that point, you can take a lesson from the minorities in the country who specialize in surviving disappointing eras in history. Take a lesson from from the thousands of Native Americans united at Standing Rock, or the thousands of families in Flint, Michigan still fighting for clean unpoisoned water. You get up and fight because you have no other choice. When faced with a system that appears to have no benefit or concern for you, you speak your piece, choose your battles wisely, and make sure you participate in the political process as much as you can by voting, engaging in discussions with people who share differing viewpoints (just  not today, the disappointment is too fresh), and protesting when necessary. This is how our country always gets through its darkest times. It will be alright America, we will get through this too.