Note To A Friend

You simply inspire me.

You push me beyond limits that never seemed possible.

You’re unattainable, and out of reach but you make me want to move beyond this comfort zone, this rut, this quicksand that is threatening to swallow me up.

I will NOT go gently into that good night of dead relationships, intimacy, or life.

I Want So Much More For You, My Darling Daughter

As I sit here and watch you sleep, in total peace and total trust, I can’t help but think of all the things I want for you. I want to protect the heart and spirit of the amazing young lady you are growing up to be. 

I want to protect your loving heart which asked the representative, as we opened your bank account this weekend, if you could “put a bunch of money in savings and then when you have a whole lot, give it to the homeless.” I have to tell you, I was so proud of you and your generous heart.

I want to protect your inquisitive mind that wants to learn Spanish, and Google everything you don’t know. I want to protect that flexibility and that love of learning that will serve you so well as you go through life.

I want to protect your budding wanderlust. Two years ago, you told me you wanted to go to China and asked if we could go someday. I had just separated from your dad, and was buried under financial burdens so I gave you the generic “Yeah, maybe one day.” But now I want to actually plan for it. I have been thinking of thinking of taking a solo trip to Spain for my 40th birthday as my own big ticket, far away plan. But now, I don’t want to wait until I’m forty, and I don’t want to go alone. I want to begin saving for it right now so that I can go in a year or two and take you with me.

You see, a long time I ago, I was a little girl with big dreams and an even bigger heart. And over the years, my heart and my dreams have taken more than a few hits. I see so much of my younger self in you, and I want to protect that. I never want you to lose yourself and have to rediscover yourself as I have. So to me, as your mom, that means encouraging your big heart, your love of learning, and your desire to see the world. Because if I teach you, that you can have that kind of life and those kind of dreams now, maybe just maybe, you will avoid the belief that you ever have to put limits on those dreams. And maybe just maybe, you will have the courage and strength to pursue and live the kind of life you want to live when you are out on your own. 

And I’m here to help you with that, because I want so much more for you, my darling daughter.

Great Post From Another New Blogger: 28 Day Love Yourself Challenge!

Please check out the post below from  brand new blogger: Rediscoveringmom. It’s a great challenge and one that perfectly fits with my goals and purposes for this blog, so I’ll be taking part as well. Please consider taking part in the challenge and be sure to read the post below that inspired me to share it with you all!

As I mentioned in my first blog I have started to do a 28 Day Love Yourself Challenge. I just started it and am still a bit shy to share yet but give me a few days and I may become more confident to share. Please join me in this challenge you can write in […]

via 28 Day Challenge — Rediscovering Mom


First Ever Blog Post! :)

Hi, I’m Curves, Curls, and Smiles but you guys can call me CC&S for short! This is my first ever blog post and I am super excited. I have been thinking about writing a blog for a long time now, and have finally gotten up the nerve to just do it. I am a currently a “late 30’s”, overweight, student, full-time employee, financially struggling, single mother, in the middle of a contentious divorce. However, that’s not all of who I am and I definitely don’t want that to be the end of my story!

I think that’s the main reason for why I’m starting this blog right now. Because I am in the weeds folks! I am in the middle of one of the roughest periods in my life and I needed a space where I could share my thoughts, my fears, my troubles, and my joys with people. While I am all of those things that I described above “right now”, when it’s all said and done I would like to be a healthy, self-employed, financially secure, graduate, mother who is happily remarried. I KNOW that I can get there. One of my professional duties is serving as a resilience trainer, and what that means is that I help teach people skills and techniques to develop resilience. These skills are definitely helping me get through my current life circumstances. I’ve got a LOT of hard work to do to reach my goals and hopefully if any of you are experiencing any hardships or going through hard times, we can encourage each other and get through them together.

I will be keeping my blog anonymous, at least initially, so that I can speak freely on the things that are going on in my life. If and when the time presents itself, I would LOVE to share who I am with all of you. In the meantime and between time, I’ll give the people that I mention in this blog codenames to protect the innocent… and the guilty.

Grammatical Disclaimer: I may or may not have an affinity for using run-on sentences, parentheses, commas, semi-colons, colons, emoticons, and using numerous punctuation marks!!! This blog at times may have some, none, or all of the above. Don’t say you weren’t warned! 😉

Hot Mess Disclaimer: My hope for this blog is to be a positive and inspiring place where we can share what’s going on in our lives and encouraging words to get through it. That being said… folks, sometimes my life is a plain old hot mess and I hope that this blog will be a space where I can share that as well, lol!

If you know someone that you think would like this post or might like the blog, please share it as well! I’m also on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. My Facebook account is where I’ll share funny, inspiring, and (at times) sarcastic posts, lol. My Instagram account will mainly document snapshots of my journey to better health and everyday life, and funny memes of course. If any of you have health goals that you are pursuing as well, I hope you will join me and share your own progress, encouragement, and healthy recipes with me. Twitter will be used as to provide updates and uplifting words in 140 characters or less. I’ve also got an online store that specializes in motivational and inspirational jewelry and accessories. If you have a special request for a specific product, let me know and I’ll do my best to design one for you.

Please be sure to say hi, leave a comment and let me know what you think of this post. I can’t wait to hear from you all!

-Curves Curls and Smiles